Our foundation is classified with the ANBI status (public benefit organisation) by the IRS / Dutch Tax Office.
This means that for dutch citizins and organisations in many cases your gift to our foundation can generate tax deduction and benefits.
For instance, dutch citizens can donate an amount of 500 euro, and if applicable for tax deduction, can get up to 250 euro back from the IRS. Also companies can deduct the full amount of the deduction for company taxes.
Who is applicable for tax refunds and requirements the IRS holds for tax deduction, is up to your personal situation.
If you want more information, please contact us through our email adress info@dierenvriendvanhetjaar.nl.
Please keep in mind Tax benefits mentioned above will only apply to dutch residents, paying income tax in The Netherlands. We have no experience (yet) with tax deduction in other countries. For more information, please contact your local tax office / IRS for more information.
For safe and easy online donations, please use the donate button below. This way your donation is administrated and can be used for tax deduction if appllicable. All major credit cards are accepted at no extra charge.
Don’t forget to fill out the donation form so we can keep you updated on our actions and projects in Dahab.